Tecnam P2002 JF

Widely used by student pilots for training
- Legacy X-Plane 11 version -

The P2002 Sierra (JF mean the certified version) is a two-seater side by side, low wing aircraft. The P2002 features superlative performance and flying qualities, now confirmed by hundreds of P2002 sold throughout the world and validated in 15 countries other than Europe. The ease of piloting and maintenance make this aircraft an excellent solution for training in flight schools. It is also an ideal platform for surveillance and as well as, of course, for pure recreational and private use.

The Tecnam P2002 structure is based on a steel tubing cabin truss covered by aluminium sheets. The wing is all aluminium made and built with a single spar and full metal torsion box. The wing's leading edges incorporate the fuel tanks (50 Lt - 13.2 gal each). The sliding canopy allows 360° of vision in the cockpit and the wide slotted flaps, electrically activated, allow stall speed lower than 40 Kts and allows the aircraft to perform steep approaches and easier landings. The all aluminium ailerons are effective and ensure a quick roll rate without being overly sensitive.


Ready for Virtual Reality!

This model takes advantage from latest VR tecnology built into X-Plane.


Upgrade to the latest version

Find user (or serial number) and password in the first page of the POH (Pilot Operating Handbook) in the package you bought.

Free for existing customer

Change history

X-Plane 10.36 ➜ 10.51

From version 1.1 to 1.5

• Fixed dead artificial horizon from cold & dark situation
• Fixed wrong call sign on the panel
• Rebuilded the PDF of the POH (use a newer Acrobat Reader or a third part reader in case of trouble)
• Added the girl as passenger (come increasing the payload weight)
• Added basic autopilot (S-TEC like)
• Adjusted too low CHT and OILT indications
• Adjusted trim leds
• Fixed fuel selector behavior
• Improved knobs and magnetos key responsiveness (no more elusive hotspots)
• Fixed fuel indicators
• Fixed flickering instruments

X-Plane 11.10

Version 1.6

• Flightmodel corrections and X-Plane 11 compatibility

X-Plane 11.10 ➜ 11.55

From version 1.7 to 2.6

• v2.6: added VR config file to handle yoke as realistic and upgraded the GNS530 knobs with latest manipulators
• v2.5: fixed fuel needles to their right datarefs
• Fuel pump fix and other electrical bus assignations
• OIL Temp C/F wrong needle scale fixed
• "Marching ants" graphic issue on the panel fixed
• Autopilot ALT mode fixed
• Engine power and flightmodel/flap tuned a bit
• CG range shift now available
• VR-ready manipulators
• Flap handle manipulator revised
• Windshield effects visible again


Dmax3D di Durando Massimo
Via S. Giacomo, 5
10091 Alpignano (TO) - Italy
Cod. Fisc. DRNMSM73T08L219P
P.IVA IT11286130015


Email: max@dmax3d.com

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